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Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications
Copyright © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 764, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-469 (25 November 2001)
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Anticancer and antiviral agents: Including Therapy Monitoring and Diagnostic Marker Aspects EDITORIAL
Page 1

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Chromatographic techniques for the determination of putative dietary anticancer compounds in biological fluids REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 3-25
E. J. Oliveira and D. G. Watson
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Analytical approaches for traditional Chinese medicines exhibiting antineoplastic activity REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 27-48
Tung-Hu Tsai
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Antitumor drugs possessing topoisomerase I inhibition: applicable separation methods ARTICLE
Pages 49-58
Toshihiro Oguma
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Separation and identification methods for metalloproteinase inhibitors REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 59-80
Sean X. Peng
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High-performance liquid chromatographic methods for the determination of topoisomerase II inhibitors REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 81-119
Chun-Lin Chen, Kami K. Thoen and Fatih M. Uckun
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Quantitation of camptothecin and related compounds REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 121-140
M. Palumbo, C. Sissi, B. Gatto, S. Moro and G. Zagotto
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Separation methods for camptothecin and related compounds REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 141-159
L. Zufía, A. Aldaz and J. Giráldez
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Anthracyclines: recent developments in their separation and quantitation REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 161-171
G. Zagotto, B. Gatto, S. Moro, C. Sissi and M. Palumbo
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Cyclophosphamide and related anticancer drugs REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 173-192
F. Baumann and R. Preiss
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Separation methods for anthraquinone related anti-cancer drugs REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 193-206
Paul M. Loadman and Christopher R. Calabrese
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Separation of finasteride and analogues REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 207-215
J. Macek
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Separation methods for methotrexate, its structural analogues and metabolites REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 217-254
Federico Maria Rubino
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Separation methods for alkylating antineoplastic compounds REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 255-287
A. Paci, A. Rieutord, F. Brion and P. Prognon
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Separation methods for acyclovir and related antiviral compounds REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 289-311
Arianna Loregian, Rosalba Gatti, Giorgio Palù and Elio F. De Palo
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Separation methods for tricyclic antiviral drugs REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 313-325
Raymond F. Suckow
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Separation methods for nucleoside analogues used for treatment of HIV-1 infection REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 327-347
Arlene S. Pereira and Richard R. Tidwell
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Separation methods for antiviral phosphorus-containing drugs REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 349-362
Boubakar B. Ba and Marie-Claude Saux
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High-performance liquid chromatography of HIV protease inhibitors in human biological matrices REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 363-384
R. E. Aarnoutse, C. P. W. G. M. Verweij-van Wissen, W. J. M. Underberg, J. Kleinnijenhuis, Y. A. Hekster and D. M. Burger
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Polyamines as cancer markers: applicable separation methods REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 385-407
M. Y. Khuhawar and G. A. Qureshi
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Cysteine and indole derivatives as markers for malignant melanoma REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 409-443
Jürgen Hartleb and Rüdiger Arndt
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Separation methods applicable to prostate cancer diagnosis and monitoring therapy REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 445-455
Shuhei Sumi, Kyoko Arai and Ken-ichiro Yoshida
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Simple and rapid determination of carboplatin in plasma by high-performance liquid chromatography. Error pattern and application to clinical pharmacokinetic studies REVIEW ARTICLE
Pages 457-464
L. Zufía, A. Aldaz, C. Castellanos and J. Giráldez
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Author Index Vol. 764 MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 465-466

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Compund Index Vol. 764 MISCELLANEOUS
Pages 467-469

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News Section NEWS
Pages N1-N3

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